
OpenBW stands for “Open Best Wargame”. It is a free and open-source game engine compatible with Brood War.

It is not profit-oriented and its contributors pursue no commercial interest through OpenBW.


Please refer to the FAQ for further information.

The graphics (SVG icons) used on this page are provided for free by http://www.flaticon.com.
Credit goes to:

The forum uses the free and open-source phpbb.

The Valkyrie HD model is designed by xiaorobear

The image used on the front page was created by nano_swarm. Permission to use it is pending!

Brood War and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Shoutout to #BWAPI on irc.freenode.net